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Skills, needs and preferences

These define what the person is good at, his needs, and what he wants to do.

Field name



The various skills associated with this person. This is a drop-down menu listing the skills you have defined in VSys. Go to the Setup panel and Skills to change or define skills.

Special requests/needs

The special needs of the individual. For example, if a person can only work for indoor assignments, click the Assignments - Indoor check box. Set up special requests under the Setup panel and Special Requests and Needs.

Global job preferences

Job preferences associated with a person that you can select and list in order of priority. Go to the Setup panel and Job Preferences to change or define these.

Linked Graphic

Global job preferences identify a person's preferences and help you strike a good match between that person's preferences and the job that needs to be performed.

  1. On the right side of the Skills, needs, preferences panel, click (edit) under Global job preferences to open the editor for global job preferences.
    When you select the preference, VSys adds it to the list and indicates its relative order. Order is important here: The person's highest preference (most preferred) should be at the top.
  2. Add a new job preference by clicking on the Add link.
  3. To move a preference up to a higher position on the list, click the up-arrow, or to move a preference to a lower position, click the down-arrow.
  4. To change a preference, click on its name and select a new value or (none) to remove it.
  5. Click Save when finished.

Linked Graphic

See Also

Profile Editor

Personal data

Additional data


Job associations






Custom Fields


Background checks

Custom Application Forms

Letters sent


Volunteer Hours





Account records


Credentials Printed

Web/touchscreen (kiosk)

Portrait Photo
