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Placeholder People


Placeholder people are temporary people who can be registered as part of a group whose members aren't known yet. A company may offer to send multiple volunteers to you for a project but doesn't yet know their names. Register placeholder people until you know the identities of who's actually coming. Placeholder people will show up in summary and detail reports but can be suppressed from mailings or other reports.

This tool lets you define how newly-created placeholder people will be named.

How to use

From the main VSys One screen, click on the Placeholder people link on the Setup panel.

For each gender, set up how that person should be named. The default settings name new people "John Doe", "Jane Doe" and "Pat Doe" with a unique number as part of the person's given name. To include the special fields of delegation name and unique number in the name you can include the following special characters:


Inserts a unique number


Inserts the delegation name

Linked Graphic

Testing Your Rules

To see how the rules you set up will work, click on the Test button. VSys will show you how a sample male, female and unknown gender placeholder person would be named for the delegation that you specify.

The unique number is re-used from project to project, so you can have many people named "John 47 Doe" in your system. VSys considers them all to be different people.

Placeholder people who have already been created are not affected by any changes that you make here. These settings only change newly-created people.

See Also


System Preferences


Archived Reasons

Awards Types

Banned Reasons

Bonus Hours

Certification/Background Check Hints


Comment Types

Contact Flags

Custom Fields

Custom Sports


Group Types


Inactive Reasons

Interview Types

Job Associations

Job Preferences

Job and Job Groups


Mandate Types

Membership Types

Name Prefixes

Name Setup Options

Object Renaming

People Types

Project Groups

Special Requests/Needs

Supervisors Setup



Volunteer Sources

Volunteer Types

Walkup Checkin Jobs