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Volunteer Sources


Volunteer source is normally used to indicate how you first acquired a volunteer for your organization. Recording that value when the volunteer is first entered lets you run reports later on to determine where you get your best volunteers in order to improve your recruitment efforts. A person may have only one volunteer source.

If you already have a section on your application asking how a volunteer found you, you would want the choices here to mirror those options.

How to use

  1. Select the Volunteer Sources option from the Setup panel.
  2. VSys comes with a set of built-in options and other sources may have come through to this list from your previous data. Any option listed as active will show up as a valid choice in a volunteer's Profile Editor. If there are no volunteer sources set up, the volunteer source field will not show in the Profile Editor. If you want to make an option disappear, you have two options. Right-clicking on the source will bring up options to either make a choice Inactive or Delete it. Chose Inactive if it is something you have used in the past and are not using now or may want to use in the future.
  3. To add a new source, choose the Add volunteer sources link. Name the source and click the Save button.

Someone who is not a volunteer is still allowed to have a volunteer source.

Deleting a volunteer source removes that volunteer source from all people who currently have it. All people who had that as their volunteer source will have no volunteer source once that source is deleted and changes are saved.

See Also


System Preferences


Archived Reasons

Awards Types

Banned Reasons

Bonus Hours

Certification/Background Check Hints


Comment Types

Contact Flags

Custom Fields

Custom Sports


Group Types


Inactive Reasons

Interview Types

Job Associations

Job Preferences

Job and Job Groups


Mandate Types

Membership Types

Name Prefixes

Name Setup Options

Object Renaming

People Types

Placeholder People

Project Groups

Special Requests/Needs

Supervisors Setup



Volunteer Types

Walkup Checkin Jobs