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Touchscreen/Kiosk News


News items in kiosk mode show in three places: before the login screen, cycling through all valid items, and after each user logs in. To set up these new items, from the main VSys screen, select the Touchscreen/kiosk panel and then the News option.

There are two types of news objects: news items, which are text-based and can have embedded images, and news images, which are nothing but pictures.

Linked Graphic

News item properties


This will appear at the top of each news item on the touchscreen/kiosk.

First shown

First date that the news item will show. If the current day is before this date, the news item will be visible here in the editor but not on the touchscreen/kiosk.

Last shown

Last date that the news item will show. If the current day is after this date, the news item will be visible here in the editor but not on the touchscreen/kiosk.


If not blank, these items will only be shown when the kiosk is running in one of the selected languages.


Whether the news item shows on the kiosk before users have signed in, or only to signed-in users.


Add news item

Creates a new news item from scratch.

Add news image

Creates and adds a news image.

Load built-in templates

Loads any built-in sample news items.

On the right-click menu

Add a news item

Creates a new news item from scratch.

Add a news image

Creates and adds a news image.


Edits this news item in the editor.


Opens this news item in read-only mode.

In This Section

News Item Details

News Images

See Also




Touchscreen/Kiosk Setup

Starting Touchscreen/Kiosk Mode

Touchscreen/Kiosk Locations

Volunteer Login

Assisted Checkin Tool

Who's Checked In

Who's Missing


Holiday Greeting Rules

Touchscreen/Kiosk Hints

Messages from Volunteers to Staff (via kiosk)