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How does VSys Web work?

VSys Web is an optional portal that your volunteers can use to fill out applications of your own design, update their information, see their assignments and hours, and optionally enter hours as well.

The VSys Web system is hosted on our server, and does not require external access to your database. Instead, the VSys client on your network synchronizes with the web site, downloading new applications and hours, and pushing up news items, volunteer changes and settings. This keeps your data secure on your network, with only a limited subset of each volunteer’s data sitting on the website, and then only if they have a web account with you.

When new applications and volunteer hours have been downloaded via synchronization (a one-step, very easy process), someone on your staff looks at and approves each record. If the record is okay, its data is automatically posted and a message can be sent to the volunteer. If there are problems, it can be rejected and sent back for update, or the volunteer banned if they’re submitting bogus data (kids with too much free time).

VSys Web comes included with your license at no extra charge.

See Also

Q & A

Is VSys One Windows- or web-based?

What are the hardware requirements?

What are the server requirements?

Do we need the software loaded onto every computer?

Can multiple users access VSys One at once?

Is it possible to customize the system according to our business needs?

How can we import our existing data?

What language is VSys One developed in?

Is it open source, and can we add or modify existing features?

Does the database reside on your server or ours, and who is responsible for maintaining it?

How does VSys Live work?

Is the database encrypted?

What do you recommend for the touch screen/kiosk interface?