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Is VSys One Windows- or web-based?

Both. Your staff will use the Windows interface exclusively, as it provides the vast majority of the software's functionality. Volunteers can use either the web or kiosk (touchscreen) interfaces to sign in and out, update their information, see their assignments, etc. VSys Web is entirely optional, but included with your license. VSys Live is an added module. Please discuss adding this feature with your Bespoke account representative.

Even though VSys is not primarily web-based, you as a staff member can still work with the program from home or remotely. Using a VPN and Citrix, Terminal Services, or Remote Desktop systems can make the application available to you anywhere in the world, and do so securely.

See Also

Q & A

What are the hardware requirements?

What are the server requirements?

Do we need the software loaded onto every computer?

Can multiple users access VSys One at once?

Is it possible to customize the system according to our business needs?

How can we import our existing data?

What language is VSys One developed in?

Is it open source, and can we add or modify existing features?

Does the database reside on your server or ours, and who is responsible for maintaining it?

How does VSys Web work?

How does VSys Live work?

Is the database encrypted?

What do you recommend for the touch screen/kiosk interface?