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Command Line Background Checks


VSys works with two vendors for the automated processing of background checks. Normally this is done using the user interface and an operator explicitly sending requests and receiving results. This process can be automated and run from the command line for IntelliCorp checks.

If certification encryption is enabled, VSys can optionally encrypt fields in specific types of certifications. Entering data into these certifications does not require that the operator provide any special values since encryption is asymmetric, but extracting that information does require the selection of the correct private key and possibly a passphrase.

Command Line Parameters


The only valid value for vendor at this time is IntelliCorp.


Private decryption keys:

These three can be combined together into a single call that loads the appropriate private key, sends new requests and then retrieves new results. For example:

VSys.exe privatekey:c:\temp\bchecks2.gpk bchecks:submit,intellicorp,ouracct,secret123 bchecks:retrieve,intellicorp,ouracct,secret123

This tells VSys to load the given private key, submit new requests to IntelliCorp, then retrieve any results from IntelliCorp.

After processing, VSys will log the results of all of its actions here into a file named:
background check log

While VSys will accept background check results using this mechanism, it will never approve or disapprove of a volunteer. A human operator is required to look at the returned results and make a decision as to whether or not a volunteer is acceptable to your organization.

See Also

Command Line Tools

Command Line Backups

Command Line Datapump

Command Line Interactive File Importer

Command Line Index Rebuilder

Command Line Login

Command Line Reminders

Command Line Reports

Command Line SMS Results Retrieval

Command Line VSys Web Synchronization