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Command Line Datapump


For organizations with production and test databases (you do have a test environment, don't you?), copying updated production data into the test environment can be cumbersome. Rather than having to back up the production data and restore it into the testing database, you can use the datapump command-line tool.

Steps in This Task

  1. Determine the source and target databases. A database's name can be either its backend plus a colon plus name, e.g. "SQL Server: Production" or its nickname.
  2. Make a backup. When you run this task, VSys does not verify that you aren't moving the wrong database to an even more wrong location, e.g. an evaluation database onto your production database. So back up the production database just in case.
  3. Get to a Windows command line in the folder that VSys.exe and VSys.ini are located.
  4. Enter the command line
    VSys.exe datapump:source,target
    Where source is the production database's name or nickname, and target is the test database's name or nickname.
  5. For each VSys-recognized table in the source database, VSys will delete that table in the target database and re-create it with the contents of the table from the source database.

See Also

Command Line Tools

Command Line Background Checks

Command Line Backups

Command Line Interactive File Importer

Command Line Index Rebuilder

Command Line Login

Command Line Reminders

Command Line Reports

Command Line SMS Results Retrieval

Command Line VSys Web Synchronization