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Training Course Entrants

See the entrants in a specific course by right-clicking on that course from the Training course setup tool and selecting See the course's entrants, or from the Training courses and results tool on the User tools panel.

Linked Graphic


Enroll a person

Shows the standard person lookup tool where you can choose a single person to add.

Find a person to enroll

Opens the advanced person lookup tool where you can specify your own criteria, then drag and drop one or more people onto the list of entrants here.

Pack waitlist

If you have too many people in you course, you can build a waitlist. After you have taken people off the waitlist and registered them in the course, "pack" the waitlist to renumber the list to take out empty spaces.

Course reports

Reports based on this specific course, not its students, though students can be included on the reports.

Rosters report

Reports on the people in this specific course.

On the right-click menu

Right-click on a person on the list to modify individual people or perform other actions.

This training record

Edit record

Edits the training record itself.


Deletes the training record.

Edit entrant

Edits the person who's registered.

Send a letter

Brings up a list of letter templates, selecting one of these will merge the training record with that template.

Add to list/ Remove from list

Adds/removes this person from any normal or temporary list.


Enroll a person

Enter a person into this course

Add an instructor

Add an instructor for the course.


All/None/Reverse, use these to check and un-check all records.

Selected records

Set status

Sets the status of all checked records.

Send a letter

Brings up a list of letter templates, selecting one of these will merge all checked training records with that template.

Print mailing labels

Prints any of the built-in mailing labels for the checked people.

Copy into another course

Copy the selected entrants from this course to be registered in another course.


Deletes all checked records.


Un-deletes all checked records.

Add entrants to list/Remove entrants from list

Adds/removes the selected people from any normal or temporary list.


See Also



Training Records

Training Courses Setup

Enrolling People in Training Courses

Training Manager

Training Reminders