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Creating Recurring Assignments

Create a recurring assignment from the Assignments panel in the Profile Editor by right-clicking on the list of assignments and selecting Add recurring, or by clicking on the Add link at the top of the Assignments panel.

Linked Graphic

Field name

Definitions and comments


First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Last, Every, Odd and Even. These are qualifiers for the days of the week.

Picking Second here and then Monday in the Days field below will assign the person to this job on the second Monday of every applicable month. Choosing Odd here instead will give them an assignment on the odd weeks of the year.


Sunday through Saturday, these are the days of the week the assignment will be effective.


Which months of the year. Use this to exclude months that they don't normally work.






Person assigned to as the supervisor for this assignment. Select (find a person) to include someone not already on the drop-down list.

Start date

First date to be used when creating the assignment. Note: this day may not actually have an assignment if it does not meet the Method/Days/Months criteria.

Start time

The start time of each assignment.

Duration each day

How long each assignment runs.

Extend assignments through

The last date to be considered when creating the individual assignments. This date may not get an assignment if it doesn't meet the Method/Days/Months criteria.

Edit comments

Clicking the Edit comments link will pop up a box for you to attach any comments.

New assignment status

Most new assignments will have a status of Normal, but they could also be Pending approval or Waitlisted.

Allow creation of assignments into the past

If this is not checked, VSys won't allow the Start date to be a date in the past.

Click Generate assignments after entering your rules. If this button is not an option, check for a list of possible problems with the assignment. VSys will display all of the assignments out to the Extend assignments through date. If the created assignments are not what you're looking for, edit the rules then click on Generate assignments again.

Once the general rules are correct, make changes to or delete individual assignments from this list as needed (these changes will not affect other assignments on the list), then click on Save.

If you select a job which has a holiday schedule defined for it, when the job assignments are generated here, VSys will skip days which are holidays for that job.

See Also

Recurring Assignments

Extending Individually

Extending in Bulk