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Security Manager

The Security Manager is a list of all of the people in your system who are designated as VSys users. Open it by clicking on the Security manager link from the Administrator tools panel on the main VSys One screen. Users here may be enabled or disabled. A disabled user loses none of his settings or rights, but cannot log in until he's re-enabled.

Linked Graphic

Adding a new user

  1. Click on the Add new user link on the left hand side.
  2. Use the person lookup tool to find the user as an existing person, or create a new person, as appropriate. Clicking on the person's name will select him.
    If a person is already on the list of users, the person lookup tool will not show that person even if you enter his information.
  3. Enter a User ID and Password, then the same password again in the Verify password field. To have VSys automatically assign a random password, click on the Assign a random password link.
  4. Check the Enabled box to allow this user to log in.
  5. Assign general security rights, inheritances, and project-specific rights.
  6. Click the Save button to return to Security Manager.

You can't have more than one user with the same user ID. If you try to make one, VSys will prevent you. If you manage to import one using the Interactive File Importer or other tools, neither of the people with that user ID will be able to log in.


These show on the left side of the screen

Add new user

Opens up the standard person lookup tool. Use this to find an existing person and make him a user. (You can also create brand-new people here.)

Disable security/Enable security

Turns VSys security on or off. Clicking on this brings up a login dialog - you must log in here as a superuser in order to change security's status.

Security options

Opens the Security options tool for defining password, inactivity timeout and other rules.

Security reports

Reports to list current users and their rights.


Reloads security users from the database.

On the right-click menu

Right-click on a list to modify a person's security settings or perform other actions.

Add a new user

Opens up the standard person lookup tool. Use this to find an existing person and make him a user. (You can also create brand-new people here.)

View personal data

Opens this person in the Profile Editor in read-only mode.

Edit personal data

Opens this person in the Profile Editor for editing.

Edit security settings and rights

Brings up the Security Rights editor for this person, where you can edit user ID, password, and security rights.

See changes to this user

Lists who's made changes to this person and when, lists all login/logout details for the user.

See what this user has done

Lists all actions taken by this person, including people updated, reports printed, logging in/out, etc.

Check password

Prompts you for the person's password, then tells you if it was correct or not. Note: you can never see any person's password, ever, though you can change it.


Enables or disables the person's login rights.

Make this person a non-user

This removes the person as a user, revoking all access rights and clearing the user ID. You can't undo this action once you've confirmed your intention at the prompt except by re-entering all of that data again.

Reset login failure timer

If this person is locked out due to too many failed login attempts, resets the timer for that and allows him to log in again.

Print a report for this person

Prints any of several built-in security reports detailing this user's personal information, security rights and audit log.

See Also

VSys Security

Security Notes

Security Options

Password Self-Changing

User Security Concepts

User Security Rights

Security Reports

Security Emergency Bypass