Job Definition Reports

Job definition reports detail the jobs themselves, rather than the people in them or the slots associated with them. You can filter jobs by location, job group/job, start date, and eliminate jobs that don't have any open slots. These reports are customizable. You can use the report designer to easily change the contents of these reports.

When to use this report

Steps in this task

  1. Click on the Job definitions/setups link from the Reports panel.

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  2. Select a built-in or saved report to use.
  3. Set any filters: Job, Location, Supervisors, Start date.
  4. Choose whether to exclude jobs which have no openings. Note: any job with no job slots will be excluded if you check this.
  5. Choose your sort order.
  6. Click Print to run the report.

Job Listings Report

This is a quick listing of all jobs, showing all of their important attributes including the number of people assigned and still needed. Selecting Job listing with locations also includes, for each job, all of the locations where this job has job slots created.


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Job Profiles Report

Job profiles show all of the interesting information about a job. These are useful for posting on bulletin boards and in job books.


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