
Interviewers are the people in your organization who are allowed to perform interviews. These people must already be entered in VSys One, usually within a group called "Staff" or one named for your organization. If your organization doesn't use interviews or does not need to track them, you don't need to define any interviewers here.

Open the Interviewers Manager by clicking on Interviewers from the Setup panel on the main VSys One screen. This brings up a list of all interviewers currently defined.


On the left side of the screen.

Define interviewer

Opens the Person Lookup tool. Use this to find the person who should be designated as an interviewer.

On the right-click menu

Right-click on an interviewer in this list for tools relevant to specific interviewers.


Opens the Person Lookup tool. Use this to find the person who should be designated as an interviewer.


Opens the interviewer himself in read-only mode.


Edits the interviewer himself.


Makes this person not an interviewer. This does not affect the person himself or remove him from the system.