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SMTP Settings

These settings normally only need to be set up once, and will usually require a network administrator to provide you with some values. From the Tools menu on the left, select Set up e-mail options.

Linked Graphic

Field name


Use internal relay (no external SMTP server)

Checking this causes VSys to send all outbound messages directly, without the need for an SMTP server of your own. For this to work, VSys (or the Standalone E-mail Robot) must be able to make outbound connections through your firewall.



Does not try to negotiate an SSL (encrypted) connection with the destination mail server.

Require SSL

Tries to negotiate an SSL connection and will not continue if a secure connection cannot be established.

Enable SSL

Tries to negotiate an SSL connection, but will still send the message if a secure connection cannot be established.



The name of the SMTP server you use for outgoing mail. It may be something like You can check your regular e-mail application for this value if your e-mail program uses SMTP (Simple Mail Transport Protocol). Note: VSys cannot use your Microsoft Exchange server for sending e-mails unless Exchange is configured to allow SMTP connections.

Server requires authentication

If your mail server requires you to log in in order to send mail, check this box.

Server user ID, Server password

If Server requires authentication is checked, enter the user ID and password needed to access that server.

Use non-standard port

If checked, VSys and the Standalone E-mail Robot will use this port, instead of the default port 25, for connecting to mail servers. Only use this as instructed by tech support or your IT department.

E-mail "Reply-to" address

For outgoing e-mails which don't have a Reply-to address assigned to them, VSys will use this e-mail address.

E-mail sender name

For outgoing e-mails which don't have a sender name assigned to them, VSys will use this name.

HELO name

When using SMTP to send e-mails, VSys gives its own name to the server, and that name - depending on the server - may have to match the reverse DNS name for the external IP address making the outbound connection. Use the Determine automatically link to have VSys try to determine the correct HELO name value for you. You can also use a service like to determine that name.

Maximum number to send.

After sending this many e-mails, the E-mail Robot will disconnect from the SMTP server then re-connect as needed to send the next batch.

After creating a letter to be sent...

When a newly-created e-mail is saved and marked as "Pending", the E-mail Robot will not try to actually send that message until this number of minutes has passed. This setting is meant as an "Oops, I didn't mean to send those!" helper, letting you retract e-mails before they're actually delivered.

It's important that these values be provided accurately - if they're not, VSys will not be able to send e-mails.

See Also

E-mail Robot


MAPI Settings