Issue Reports

When working in VSys, an internal or external issue may bring up an issue report. This could be caused by damaged tables, a network issue, problems with Windows, or a programming issue.

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This window lets you send, save, or print an issue report. The issue report contains detailed programming information that assists Bespoke technical support in determining what caused the error and assists in resolving it. Whenever you receive any issue reports like this, it is best to send it if possible - this helps technical support determine what went wrong and how to prevent it from recurring.

Send the Issue Report

  1. To send the report to another person, click the send issue report button.
  2. Type your name and e-mail address and click the Continue button.
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  3. Enter a description of what you were doing, e.g. "Working in custom reports, accidentally unplugged the network cable". Click on the Continue button.
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  4. If any confidential information was on your screen, un-check the box attach a screenshot to the bug report. Otherwise, leaving that image intact helps technical support see what you were seeing.
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  5. Click the Continue button to send the report. If you get an error at this point, VSys may not have been able to work with your e-mail program to send the issue report.

VSys always copies the details of the issue report to the clipboard. If this process doesn't work for sending us the report, try going into your e-mail application and simply pasting (Ctrl V) the report right into the body of an e-mail and sending it to our technical support.

When you are finished with the issue report, click on one of the following buttons: continue application, restart application, or close application.

continue application attempts to pick up from wherever the error occurred. If doing this results in more issue reports, shut down VSys and restart it. VSys may not have been able to properly recover from the first issue.

restart application closes VSys One and starts it again. This may result in a loss of any unsaved data.

close application exits VSys One and does not restart it. This may result in a loss of any unsaved data.

Web-based issue reports

On machines with no local e-mail client, VSys has another option: issue report submission via the web. This is far easier than e-mail based reports and does not require that you have a compatible e-mail client on the machine that's sending the report. To enable this, edit your VSys.ini file to include

If you don't have an [Exceptions] section, you can add it. The next time VSys tries to submit an issue report, it will talk with Bespoke's servers to do it, then send a confirmation e-mail to both you and technical support with a URL for viewing the report and its associated screenshot.

If VSys tries to do a web submission but fails, it will fall back on trying to use your e-mail application to send the report.