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Assignment Reminder Rule

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Don't be intimidated by the rule above: it's simpler than it looks. This rule is an assignment reminder for any jobs beginning between 8am and 6pm on Monday through Friday. It sends an e-mail reminder 12 hours before the starting time of the shift to all volunteers.

Field name



A description, for your own use, of this rule.


Lower-numbered rules are executed before higher-numbered rules.


If checked, this rule is not used. Great for disabling a rule without deleting it.

Reminder for what

Assignments, Interviews (as interviewer), Interviews (as interviewee), Trainings

Jobs, Locations

Only assignments which have one of these jobs and are at these locations will match the rule. A blank filter here will work with any job/location.

Starting between

The assignment must start between these times of the day. Use 12:00AM to 11:59PM to match all times.

Ending between

The assignment must end between these times of the day. Use 12:00AM to 11:59PM to match all times.

Minimum start date, Maximum start date

Only assignments starting on or between these dates will match.

Days of the week


People types, Groups

These filters apply to the people in the assignments rather than the assignments themselves.

Send notifications

No reminder notifications

Sends no reminders at all. Use this to catch assignments that you don't want to get reminders before later rules run.

Via SMS and e-mail

Sends both an SMS and an e-mail reminder.


Sends SMS reminder.

Via e-mail only

Sends only an e-mail reminder.




This letter template will be merged with the current volunteer and assignment to produce the notification.



Discard if closer than

If the notification hasn't been generated, or has been generated but not sent by this distance from the assignment's start, VSys will either not generate the notification, or if it's been generated, won't send it. Note:changing the rules here after a notification has been generated will not change its delivery or non-delivery.

If this rule applies...

If checked, an assignment which matches this rule will continue on to the rules below this one. Use this, for example, to send out one e-mail at 30 days and another at seven by having one rule for each distance.

While the e-mail and SMS notifications have filters on how long before and how close in the reminders can go out, these are filters - not rules. If an assignment matches the rules for Job, Location, Starting between, Ending between, Minimum start date, Maximum start date, People types and Groups, but does not meet either or both of the SMS and e-mail filters, the rule here is considered to have been matched and VSys will not continue on to later rules unless If this rule applies... has been checked.

Once an assignment reminder has been generated for an assignment based on a rule and method (SMS or e-mail), VSys will not run the same rule and method again for that assignment. As above, the rule will still be considered to have been met and so later rules won't be run unless you specifically enable that.

VSys uses the "trace" table to keep track of what reminders have been generated. If you drop or empty that table, or use the Trace Purge tool on recent records, VSys may lose track of which assignments have been sent their notifications!

See Also

Assignment Reminders

Reminder Rules Setup

Assignment Reminder Letter Templates

Generating and Sending Reminders