Expiring Certifications Reports

This will report on certifications of any kind with a set range of expiration dates, plus other criteria you specify. This can be run for only one kind of certification at once, but very easy to use.

When to use this report

Steps in this task

  1. Click on the Expiring certifications link from the Reports panel.

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  2. Set the Report title, then choose the type of certification to work with and the expiration date range.
  3. Set filters on groups, people types, volunteer types, team filters and lists.
  4. Click Print to run the report.


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In the Report Designer, normally you get one pipeline for each type of certification. This one's special: there's a "magic" pipeline called "Certifications", and in it you can use the fields which are common to all certifications: "Description", "Effective date", "Expiration date", and "Other info". "Other info" can contain multiple fields. Set this up in the definition of each certification.