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Using the Bulk Value Updater

In this example, we've had a rules change: AED trainings now are valid for two years instead of one. So we're going to take all of the AED certifications for which a volunteer received training in 2008 and add 365 days to their expiration date.

  1. Click on Bulk value updater from the User tools panel either globally or within a project.
  2. Select the type of object to be updated and whether they're to be updated or deleted.
    In this case, select "Certifications".

    Linked Graphic

  3. Enter the criteria which determine the records to be affected, these criteria will depend on the type of object selected.
    For this example, select "AED" as the Certification type, then (add) a filter requiring a Date of last training between 1/1/2008 and 12/31/2008.
  4. On the right side, add one or more fields to be updated, along with the rules for their new values.
    In this case, click (add field) to add 365 days to the "Expiration date", and set the "Comments" to a value reflecting this so we know later on what we did.
  5. Click Get items to update. VSys will find all of the records which meet your criteria, and show them to you on screen.

    Linked Graphic

  6. Verify that your criteria brought the expected results, then select which of these should be updated. Use the All/None/Reverse tools on the right-click menu to do this in bulk.
  7. Click the Run button. VSys will prompt you one last time with the count of records to be updated, after confirming this, it will start the update process.
  8. VSys will show you a report of all of the records which were changed, along with the values, both original and new.

Use the Load/save settings links on the left side to save the current settings, both criteria and new values, for later use, or to re-use previously saved settings.

See Also

Bulk Value Updater

What Can the Bulk Value Updater Change?

Chaining Values

New Values

Bulk Value Updater Example