Job Associations Bulk Updater


Job associations connect people to jobs as "Active", "Inactive", "Substitute" or "Other", and do this without making specific job assignments. The Job associations bulk updater lets you change or delete job associations based on job, start/end date, status, person type and group.

Steps in this task

  1. Click Job associations bulk updater from the User tools panel.

    Linked Graphic

  2. Enter your criteria for the job associations themselves: job, start date, end date, statuses, and filters on the person's type and/or group.
  3. Under Action to take on these job associations choose View the records which would be updated. This gives you a screen report of all of the job associations which meet your criteria. It's important to run this before making changes to ensure that you are updating the job associations you intend to.
  4. Select the appropriate final action of Update the status of matching records, Update the end date of matching records, Update the status and end date of matching records or Delete the matching records.
  5. For actions other than View... and Delete..., enter the new values.
  6. Click Run. VSys will make the designated changes and give you a detailed report of all values it updated.