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Job Slot Assignments


A job slot is an opening for one or more volunteers to perform a job at a particular time and place. While a job is a description of the task, it doesn't specify where, when, and how many volunteers are needed: job slots do that.

Steps in this task

To assign a volunteer to a job slot, right-click on the assignments panel and select Add to job slot. From here, you'll search for an open job slot for this volunteer. Here we selected the job groups Coffee Shop and Drivers, searched for (no filter) location, any time on the 14th through the 16th of December, and only for job slots which still need one or more people.

Linked Graphic

To put the volunteer into one of these slots, click on it, then on the Save button.

Job slot assignments can be deleted and have their status, comments and people counts edited. But you cannot change the job, location, start or duration since these values are dictated by the job slot itself.

See Also


Non-slot Assignments

Recurring Assignments